Apartment rentals New York with Chinese Food

Luxury Rentals Manhattan Service Corner: Which Manhattan Neighborhoods Give You The Most When It Comes To Starbucks And/Or Peking Duck?

You can generally tell how well and how recently your LRM bloggers have been fed by our posts. If we've eaten a healthy lunch at a reasonable hour, you'll read about trends in the Manhattan real estate market. If we're peckish, or otherwise craving something unhealthy and preferably crispy, you just might read about how much good a new Shake Shack outpost can do for a given Manhattan neighborhood and the rental listings therein. Consider today the exception that proves the rule -- we're well-fed and properly caffeinated, but we're also rolling our chair over to the Luxury Rentals Manhattan service corner to link to a food- and drink-related blog post because... well, because we think it's kind of neat. And also because, if you're looking for a rental apartment in Manhattan, you might as well know if you're going to have an easy time ordering out for Chinese food or picking up a pumpkin spice latte. Which is to say, finally, that we have some answers on which NYC neighborhoods are the most rich in Chinese food, Starbucks, and other facts of New York City life. Those very important answers, after the jump.