Apartment rentals New York with Williamsburg

New Apartments in NYC to Rent While They Last

New Rental Apartments NYC

If you’ve ever searched for an apartment in New York City, you’ve probably used, or at least have heard of Craigslist. And if your result was anything like the typical experience, you probably saw some small, dusty apartments in need of repair that were not worth the price tag. Sure, great pre-war apartments exist all across Manhattan and Brooklyn, but they aren’t your only option.

I Want Some More: Twist in Domino Development from De Blasio

SHoP Domino Design
Rendering Courtesy SHoP Architects

When the Domino Sugar Refinery along the Williamsburg waterfront closed its doors for good in 2004, the community grumbled collectively over the plans to redevelop the waterfront with unattractive, soulless buildings. But when Two Trees bought the property in 2012 for $185 million, they completely altered the design, added more park space, added office space for tech companies, and promised to provide 660 affordable apartments. For the most part, the community has been pleased with the plan.

Most Popular NYC Rental News of 2013

New Year NYC Real Estate

Nearly a year ago, we discussed the future of real estate for 2013, and our estimates were pretty much spot on. Now that this year is coming to a close, take a look back at the most popular articles that we published in 2013.

Domino Sugar Refinery Must be Refined, Says LPC

Domino Refinery

On Tuesday, the Landmarks Preservation Commission reviewed Two Trees’ plans for the Domino Sugar Refinery, and now it’s back to the drawing board for the Williamsburg site after the plan received mixed reviews.

New Apartment Buildings Coming to Brooklyn

New Brooklyn Apartments

The latest report told us what we expected: the median rent in Brooklyn continues to increase month-by-month. But rent isn’t the only thing rising in Brooklyn. Here are some new rental buildings coming to Brooklyn.