Manhattan Rents Will Keep Rising in 2012 and Beyond

Luxury Rentals in Manhattan are likely to keep getting more expensiveThe luxury rental market boom in Manhattan is just getting started. A dearth of new construction for Manhattan apartment buildings, severe lack of inventory, and high demand for luxury rentals in Manhattan virtually assures that prices will not only stay high or get higher on the top end of the market, they will likely rise for the lower end as well. Rents are soaring right now all around the borough, especially south of 59th Street. Desirable Manhattan neighborhoods like the West Village and Chelsea are setting records for high rents, but rents for formerly inexpensive apartments in Midtown West and the Financial District are also reaching new heights. Studios in Chelsea average $2,332 a month, while one-bedrooms in the West Village average $3,278 a month. Furthermore, newer buildings like 8 Spruce Street have raised the bar for luxury rentals in Manhattan. 8 Spruce in particular has changed the perception that renting is somehow less respectable than buying by offering luxury apartments that match the quality of condos. All over the city, landlords are responding by renovating their rental apartments to meet these new standards, so even though you may pay more for rent than you’d like to, you’ll get more in return.

Wall Street's Woes Don't Slow Down Manhattan Rentals

Wall Street has always influenced apartment rentals in ManhattanWall Street has been front page news ever since Lehman Brothers went under back in 2008, and the adverse times that followed for the financial sector have been especially troubling in the Manhattan luxury real estate world, where the sales and rental markets have traditionally been upheld by young financiers with money to spend. But it turns out that the relationship between Wall Street and the Manhattan rental apartment market is not as strong as once believed, because Wall Street's struggles have yet to affect the luxury rental market.

According to data compiled by Nancy Packes Inc., 58% of renters below 96th Street in Manhattan made their money in finance in 2005. This year that number is down to 41%, yet the market hasn’t missed a beat. What changed? The economic landscape of New York City is now broadening and diversifying as tech- and creative-companies fill the void left by the decline of Wall Street. People in the tech and creative sectors now account for 12.8% and 13.5% of leases south of 96th Street, respectively, up from 7.2% and 8.57% in 2005. The tech-industry especially has picked up the slack for the Street, so times really have changed - brokers are almost as likely to run into a computer programmer looking to lease an apartment in Manhattan as they are a banker.

Manhattan Rental Inventory Could Increase By Late 2013

The WindermereWe’ve already written extensively about scarcity in the rental inventory in Manhattan. A lack of available apartments will be one of the dominant themes of 2012, mostly due to economic uncertainty. The current economic climate has had the dual effect of preventing developers from constructing new buildings, and pushing people who would otherwise buy condos into the rental market. Yesterday the Wall Street Journal published figures that quantify the market’s scarcity. There will be roughly 2,230 apartments for rent in Manhattan that will go on the market this year, the lowest amount since 2005, when the figure was first counted. And the vacancy rate for all luxury rentals in Manhattan is 1.27%.

The Continental in Midtown West Fills Up

The Continental—a 5The Continental3-story building on 32nd Street and Sixth Avenue—announced today that it is all sold out. That’s right, the building that lingered in construction for two years and underwent a name change filled up in less than a year. Call it the success story of the week, and good news for the high-priced, low inventoried rental market.

Manhattan Luxury Rental Market Continues to Rise in 2012

4 East 102nd Street, a new luxury rental on Manhattan's Upper East SideIn the Manhattan rental market in 2011, demand for rental apartments far outstripped supply. Both developers and lenders recognized that this pent-up demand made for ideal building conditions, which is why $2.9 billion worth of new residential projects began in New York City in 2011. That’s a 24% increase from 2010 according to data released by the New York Building Congress. Additionally, Manhattan’s slew of stalled construction sites - land controlled by developers who have obtained all the necessary construction permits yet have still halted work - has finally begun to shrink. According to the New York City Department of Buildings, Manhattan had 130 stalled construction sites at this time last year, and now that number has fallen to 114. Furthermore, the number of demolition permits issued in Manhattan rose from 2010 to 2011, so more developers are waiting to break ground. So all this new construction should alleviate demand in the near future, right? Not exactly. While this is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, it still falls well short of the kind of progress that would help bring down rental prices in Manhattan. If there’s a lesson to be learned from 2011, it’s that even rising inventory won’t slow down the Manhattan rental market, so we at Luxury Rentals Manhattan don’t expect rents to begin to fall in 2012.

Time to Get Familiar With Manhattan's Best Micro-Neighborhoods

Micro-neighborhood Two Bridges offers great Manhattan apartmentsMost renters of Manhattan apartments are always looking for that unique deal that somehow slips under the radar. After all, it only takes one golden opportunity to land the place of your dreams, even in the ultra-competitive Manhattan rental market. At a time like this, it's especially important to know every last nook of the Manhattan real estate world. So if you want to find an ideal Manhattan rental apartment, don’t overlook Manhattan’s micro-neighborhoods, especially the ones that aren't getting a lot of attention right now. But between Manhattan’s many micro-neighborhoods, the deals are abundant. We at Luxury Rentals Manhattan decided to do an overview of some of the best micro-neighborhoods in Manhattan.

Doorman vs Non-doorman: The Tribeca Exception to the Rule

The Tribeca neighborhooTribeca loftd is home to some of the most expensive apartments for rent in Manhattan. According to the MNS December rental market report, rent in Tribeca has consistently out priced nearly every neighborhood since December 2010. Only apartments in Soho cost more than those in Tribeca, and even then it's only one- and two-bedroom apartments in doorman buildings that do. Non-doorman buildings are more expensive across the board in Tribeca. Which brings us to the focus of this article, and one of New York's more peculiar trends: the triangle south of Canal Street is the only neighborhood in Manhattan where apartments for rent in non-doorman buildings are more expensive than apartments in buildings that have doormen. Tribeca studio apartments in non-doorman buildings have been more expensive than their doorman counterparts every month since December 2010. And one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments without doormen have likewise cost more almost as consistently. In December 2011, having a doorman with your two-bedroom apartment saved you over $1,000. And a doorman welcoming you into your studio shaved nearly $800 off your rent.

Gotham West, Largest Affordable Housing Project, Breaks Ground Near Hudson Yards

Gotham WestNothing in recent Manhattan history has spurred development like Hudson Yards in Midtown West is now. Since 2005, the one-time site of Mayor Bloomberg’s failed Olympics bid has seen the construction of 15 Manhattan luxury condo buildings and 12 hotels. News about development projects in the area are released every day it seems, and every real estate insider projects that development will skyrocket in the Far West Side over the next several years. Even building projects not directly inside the Hudson Yards boundaries have the area to thank for their existence. Gotham West, a massive construction project that will take up an entire block, is one such building. From 44th to 45th Street and Tenth to Eleventh Avenue, Gotham West is a four-tower rental and condo hybrid that plans to offer 1,263 housing units, 556 of which will be apartments for rent.

Manhattan's Rental Inventory to Stay Scarce

The December 2011 rentaFinancial Districtl market report showed that prices for luxury Manhattan rentals were considerably higher than they had been the year before. Experts said this indicated how much the real estate market had recovered from the 2007 market crash, but most agreed it was abetted by a particularly scarce rental inventory. And while rental availability always ebbs and flows, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that new rental buildings could literally run out of space. Manhattan neighborhoods are running out of areas currently zoned for residential construction.

Manhattan Rental Deals Are Much Closer Than You Think

Manhattan Valley offer excellent prices for luxury rental apartments.Everyone knows that living in Manhattan is expensive, especially when renting an apartment. While this is true in general, there are exceptions to the rule. Manhattan Valley, an unassuming, quiet neighborhood with a convenient location situated between 100th and 110th Street and bounded by Broadway and Central Park West, has many rental apartments available for prices far below the norm for Manhattan and the neighboring Upper West Side. This neighborhood has had trouble garnering attention among renters of luxury apartments in Manhattan, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t deserve recognition. Manhattan Valley is something of a throwback: A community oriented neighborhood that hasn’t undergone the kind of gentrification that homogenizes neighborhoods and destroys their character. As such, this unique area has some of the best deals in Manhattan, especially considering that many of the rental apartments are condo-quality. And for families or young professionals who don’t mind having roommates, the prices for 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom apartments are astoundingly low.