Those Were The Reasons And That Was New York: Remembering The Chelsea Hotel, Pondering What's Next

It's something of an understatement to write that the Chelsea Hotel is among one of the most famed Bohemian landmarks in Manhattan, given that it has been the epicenter of artistic Chelsea and Boho Manhattan for over a century. The long list of notable musicians, writers, and artists who have frequented the hotel’s 125 rooms -- roughly make up half of what is considered artistic New York, give or take -- have produced a slew of homages, from Leonard Cohen's Chelsea Hotel to countless others with less on-the-nose titles. The Chelsea has been adapted into literature, music, art, and film, but now faces a new and perhaps most difficult adaptation, now that the Chelsea landmark has hit the real estate market. It’s strange, but it's true -- once haven to several of the greatest artists ever to call Manhattan home and inarguably the most iconic Chelsea rental listing in history, the Chelsea Hotel is now a prized piece of Chelsea property for sale. The on-the-market status of the Chelsea Hotel is noteworthy both because it's not every day that Manhattan real estate legends hit the market and because of what it means for Chelsea's past, present and future.

Tight Market For NYC Rentals, Boom Market For Real Estate Scams: How Not To Get Played

Ordinarily, the Luxury Rentals Manhattan "Service Corner" tag is reserved for lighter, more service-oriented posts -- which Manhattan neighborhoods offer the best selection of Chinese food, for instance. But while that sort of thing is no doubt important to dumpling enthusiasts -- and LRM readers know that we're already on the record on that issue -- it's not nearly as important as, say, not getting scammed when searching for a Manhattan rental apartment. That sort of thing is rare, but not nearly as rare as it should be, which is why we at Luxury Rentals Manhattan have a renter's guide on our site, and why we so closely vett the agents to whom we refer those interested in our NYC rental listings. Working with people you trust, especially when it comes to real estate agents, takes a lot of uncertainty and unpleasantness out of the Manhattan apartment search process. And, as a recent article in the Wall Street Journal reveals, working with people you cannot trust can take a lot of money out of your pocket. And so the Service Corner tag is revived, in the service (ha) of a much more serious post. After the jump: how not to get played.

Something Old At Someplace New: New Construction Luxury Rentals Prove Last Holdout For Rent Concessions In Manhattan Real Estate

It's a pretty common refrain here at the Luxury Rentals Manhattan blog that the return of the Manhattan rental market to something like its old gangbusters status is a good thing. That's because, in a macro sense, it is. But it's also because we're working on talking ourselves into it. The renter's market of the great Manhattan rental market slump was tough on landlords and developers, but it was great news for those browsing NYC rental apartments, who suddenly found themselves faced with a wealth of no-fee rental listings and landlords seemingly eager to give away months of free rent and other other concessions. Now that the Manhattan rental market is healthier, the renter's market is generally a thing of the past -- a fondly remembered silver lining surrounding an ever-shrinking cloud, if you're a metaphor type, and a casualty of economic trends if you're more literally inclined. But, as we try to remind readers (and ourselves), there are still great deals to be found on Manhattan rental apartments. There are still plenty of no-fee rental listings out there, for instance, and there are also plenty of Manhattan luxury rentals offering concessions on leases. The surprising part, though, is the identity of those concession-granting Manhattan luxury rentals. From The Ohm -- a new construction luxury rental in Chelsea pictured near these words -- to a host of other new construction rental listings in various Manhattan neighborhoods, some of Manhattan's most concession-friendly rental listings happen to be at some of Manhattan's hottest new construction apartment buildings. No, really. More after the jump.

Luxury Rentals Manhattan Makes Its Long-Awaited New York Gubernatorial Endorsement

Is it predictable? It is maybe a little predictable. But we at Luxury Rentals Manhattan would be remiss if we did not endorse Jimmy McMillan, the candidate -- and quite possibly sole member -- of The Rent Is Too Damn High party for governor of New York. In the hysterically chaotic New York State gubernatorial debate on Monday night -- imagine seven people talking over each other for an hour, only instead of it happening on the uptown 4 train, it happened in front of television cameras and everyone was wearing suits -- McMillan stood out for several reasons. There's the elaborate mustachio, visible in the adjacent picture. There were the black gloves, which McMillan chose to wear indoors for reasons he later explained to Gawker had something to do with his service in Vietnam. And of course there was his karate expertise and general Afrika Bambaataa-in-a-suit aesthetic and... honestly, you should just watch the video. Link after the jump.

The Upper East Side Is Delicious, Part Two: UES's East 86th Street Scores Another Iconic Manhattan Food Spot, Neighborhood Rejoices

Fairway Upper East Side Luxury Rentals Manhattan

Beloved Manhattan grocery institution Fairway bills itself with the slogan, “Like No Other Market.” Which is true insofar as no other NYC market we at Luxury Rentals Manhattan can name has higher stacks of produce, a more competitive olive bar -- even Amar'e Stoudemire could get boxed out in there -- and a better selection of gourmet foods. For Upper East Siders, though, the sad fact of the matter was that Fairway was like no other market on the Upper East Side. Which takes nothing away from the Upper East Side, which has its own unique charm and charisma (and some very nice luxury rental listings, naturally). But the Upper West Side-envy with which Upper East Siders were previously afflicted should be ameliorated by the news that a new Fairway outpost will be moving into the old Barnes and Noble spot on East 86th Street this winter. While it's tempting to say that the Upper East Side's new Fairway is is Like No Other Asset To The UES, there is actually one with which it has something in common -- that would be the new Upper East Side Shake Shack, which opened just a couple blocks west on East 86th Street. The Upper East Side has always been one of Manhattan's elite places to live, and home to some of the finest luxury rental listings in Manhattan. Now, belatedly, it's increasingly home to the sort of fun, Upper West Side-y foodie joints that it had previously been missing. If you're wondering how this makes Upper East Side rental listings more appealing, you obviously haven't been to Fairway (or Shake Shack) recently.

We're Number Six! We're Number Six! (Or, Rents on Manhattan Apartments Aren't As High As You'd Think)

Trends come and trends go, as regular readers of the Luxury Rentals Manhattan blog -- or anyone who lives in New York City -- knows. But while the ebbs and flows in the market for Manhattan rental apartments is our subject here at the LRM blog, one constant remains unspoken and, for the most part, unchallenged. And that is that living in New York City is cruelly, implausibly expensive by just about any standard. Yes, groceries cost more in Hawaii and gasoline costs more in Connecticut, but most NYC dwellers will be quick to tell you that everything costs more here in Manhattan. In the next breath, you'll hear that the reason for this is that everything is better in Manhattan, but the (presumed) fact is what it is. So it's safe to say that a recent finding by the U.S. Census is something of a mind-blower. Per the 2010 Census, New York City is not the first, second, or third-most expensive place to rent in the United States. Neither is it fourth or fifth. No, New York City is actually just the sixth-most expensive place to rent an apartment in the United States. We're number six, everyone! Pop champagne! Or... actually hold off on the champagne. Can this possibly be true?

Power Struggle Files: New York Times Claims Balance Of Power In Manhattan Rental Market Tipping Towards Landlords

Time flies when you're writing about real estate. It seems like only a few months ago that we had a post at the Luxury Rentals Manhattan blog entitled "Sad Landlords, Happy Renters." And that's because, as it turns out, it was only a few months ago -- it was only April that the renter's market for Manhattan rental listings was that robust. Since then, though, things have changed -- as the Manhattan real estate market has returned to health, the concessions, incentives and price breaks that defined the renter's market in Manhattan real estate have largely fallen by the wayside. This was already starting to happen back in May, and by late August we were writing mournful posts with titles like "Vacancies Down, Rents Up On NYC Apartments." The lessons of all this? For one, we obviously like that particular style of headline construction. But for another, despite the fact that there are still no-fee apartment listings and good deals on Manhattan rental apartments to be found out there, things have been trending in landlords' direction for some time. That doesn't make it any more exciting to read the New York Times' recent rundown of that situation, but it does at least make things less surprising. Good news, bad news, after the jump.

Insert Bleak "Fare" Pun Here: Second Avenue Subway Far Behind Schedule, Far Over Budget, Sadly Far Off

Looks nice, doesn't it? A clean, modern subway station, a train pulling up right on time. Eventually, at some point in human history, something somewhat like the little image you see with this post will undoubtedly occur somewhere under Second Avenue on Manhattan's Upper East Side. For all the things to recommend about Upper East Side apartment listings -- and there are plenty, starting with their relative affordability in comparison to other Manhattan rental apartments -- subway access isn't currently one of them. Sure, the 4/5/6 trains on Lexington Avenue run pretty well, but they're the only trains on the Upper East Side, and can get excruciatingly crowded (and sluggish) come rush hour. News that the long-rumored, longer-awaited Second Avenue Subway was really happening was the cause of much rejoicing both among Upper East Side renters and UES landlords, whose apartments seemed poised to become that much more appealing. Today brought the sad and sadly unsurprising news, though, that the Second Avenue Subway is both behind schedule and over-cost -- and not likely to arrive in time for its original 2016 launch.

Fresher, More Direct: Green Rentals In Battery Park Bring Farm-Fresh Produce To Lower Manhattan

solaire battery park city green condo csa

As we've written before, and proved time and again, the Luxury Rentals Manhattan blog is secretly about food. Yes, we write about Manhattan rental apartments most of the time, but from the neighborhood-enhancing aspects of Shake Shack to the farmers markets of the Financial District, we will definitely write something about food when the time's right (or when there's nothing else to write about). Today, thankfully, our two usual topics -- food and Manhattan luxury rentals -- have come together in a bit of good news involving the green rental listings of Battery Park City. As Manhattan real estate heads know, many Battery Park City rental listings are green rentals, but the ones developed by Manhattan green rental superstars The Albanese Organization have taken green building a step further -- by actually providing access to fresh greens (and tomatoes, and beans, and corn, and potatoes) to residents of Battery Park green rental stars The Solaire and The Verdesian. The pioneering CSA-delivery program set up by The Albanese Organization is another reason why they're officially LRM heroes, and more proof that Battery Park City is one of the greenest and most appealing places to live in Manhattan.

Luxury Rentals Manhattan Service Corner: Which Manhattan Neighborhoods Give You The Most When It Comes To Starbucks And/Or Peking Duck?

You can generally tell how well and how recently your LRM bloggers have been fed by our posts. If we've eaten a healthy lunch at a reasonable hour, you'll read about trends in the Manhattan real estate market. If we're peckish, or otherwise craving something unhealthy and preferably crispy, you just might read about how much good a new Shake Shack outpost can do for a given Manhattan neighborhood and the rental listings therein. Consider today the exception that proves the rule -- we're well-fed and properly caffeinated, but we're also rolling our chair over to the Luxury Rentals Manhattan service corner to link to a food- and drink-related blog post because... well, because we think it's kind of neat. And also because, if you're looking for a rental apartment in Manhattan, you might as well know if you're going to have an easy time ordering out for Chinese food or picking up a pumpkin spice latte. Which is to say, finally, that we have some answers on which NYC neighborhoods are the most rich in Chinese food, Starbucks, and other facts of New York City life. Those very important answers, after the jump.