Apartment rentals New York with Manhattan Real Estate Trends

The Last Burst of Summer: August Rental Market Soars

Manhattan Luxury Real Estate - August Rental MarketAutumn is beginning to assert its balmy presence in New York City. With the days slowly becoming shorter, the neighborhood kids back in school, and the ferocious heat cooling to our current mild climate, summer is swiftly becoming a fond, not-quite-distant memory. Though August has ended, its effects will linger well into the fall. We’ve steadily posted throughout the summer about the boost the warmest season gives the Manhattan real estate market -- and predicted that the enthusiastic uptick of the market would continue. But the summer NYC rental season ended with a bang that exceeded even our small blog’s expectations. The Manhattan rental market has recovered completely from this time last year, and jumped ahead in some aspects more than others.

NYC Enacts New Green Laws

NYC Luxury Condos - New Green LawsThe people have spoken, and their cries for New York City to “go green” have convinced lawmakers to finally measure the amount of energy consumption in commercial and city-owned buildings. Eventually, residential buildings will also be subject to this law, allowing prospective tenants an easier -- and more objective and valuable -- time in searching green apartment listings. All of which means that it’s nearly time for landlords to choose between going green… or simply going. According to Crain’s New York, which scathingly calls over-users “energy hogs,” New York City’s new program, aimed to measure the amount of energy consumed in nearly 25,000 commercial buildings, requires landlords to report their energy usage numbers. More specifically, it is targeting buildings larger than 50,000 square feet, mandating the submission of their most recent numbers focusing on the consumption of electricity, gas, oil and water. City-owned buildings are placed under even more stringent requirements, having to turn in reports for those that are 10,000 square feet or more.

Lowering The Volume: Why Are Manhattan Rental Apartments So Hard To Find This Summer?

Prices on Manhattan rental apartments are down, which is good news for -- obviousness alert -- people looking for Manhattan rental apartments. But like all good news in NYC real estate, there's a catch, here. While it's easier to find a Manhattan rental listing at the price you want, it's getting harder to find a Manhattan rental listing period. Even during the summer, which is traditionally the prime time to find a Manhattan rental apartment, NYC apartment inventory is low and the market is, while still comparatively cheap, also surprisingly tight. The Apple Peeled takes a look at this curious and seemingly contradictory real estate trend and tries to make some sense of it.